Percy "NO MERCY" Kruythoff

Percy Kruythoff graduated from the Modern Theater Dance program of the Amsterdam School of the Arts (Academy for Theater and Dance). During his studies he was awarded the Ineke Sluiter Prize for choreography for his impressive choreographic achievements.


Percy is artistic director, teacher, coach, and choreographer at the 5 o'clock class, the Dance Preparatory Course of the Academy of Theater and Dance for the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK). He is also a guest lecturer at various courses within the AHK.

Recently he is part of the artistic management team of Chassé Dance Studios.


He has worked as a choreographer at home and abroad, including shows for Nike Golf and Amsterdam Faschion Week. His numerous dance activities also include the internationally renowned dance talent show “So You Think You Can Dance as a pre-jury member and choreographer.

He was also associated as a choreographer with “The Ultimate Dance Battle” and “So You Think You Can Dance The Next Generation”.


As a freelance choreographer/director/dance coach, he collaborates with various organizations that initiate social, cultural and educational projects.


In addition to his talented arsenal, Percy is a gifted salsa dancer/teacher and has worked with the top of the Dutch salsa dance world.


Due to his extensive knowledge and involvement in the field of talent development, Percy is regularly asked as a jury member for exam/audition committees and dance talent programs.